Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Reunion between Gatsby and Daisy
I fulfilled Mr. Gatsby's wish by inviting Daisy to my house for tea yesterday. Mr. Gatsby was in a white flannel suit and silver shirt. He rushed over to my house, looking very concerned and worried. When Daisy arrived, Gatsby was M.I.A.(Missing In Action). Then, suddenly there was a knock at the door and Gatsby entered. At first, I thought it was a serious mistake arranging this meeting for Gatsby and Daisy because the event turned out to be very, terribly awkward. They were speechless to one another. I excused myself allowing them have some lone time together. When I returned, I saw them engaged in a gay conversation. I bet they didn't even know I was there. I guess my mission was accomplished. 

How I got Daisy to come over 

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