Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Car Accident...
On our way back from the town, we discovered a horrific accident scene. A woman had been fatally hit by a car. As we came closer to observe the scene, it was Myrtle Wilson who was lying dead on the ground!!! We asked around looking for answers and the reason behind this horrid event. A man told us that Myrtle got hit by a yellow automobile coming from New York city. I immediately recognized that it was Mr. Gatsby's car. Right when I got home that night, I sought out for Mr. Gatsby. Strangely, I found him hiding in the bushes outside of Daisy's house. I asked him what happened today, and he replied that Daisy accidentally drove the car into Myrtle. He also added that he himself will take all the blame. I wonder how Daisy is dealing with the situation at hand. Would Daisy let Mr. Gatsby take all the blame?

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