Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My First Encounter With Mr.Gatsby
Gatsby's party was unlike what I had imagined. It was unbelievably luxurious and amazing. There were loud thumping music, swimming pool, crates of oranges and lemons, a fancy buffet displaying spiced baked hams, salads of harlequin designs, and soft, flaky, golden pastries. Bars were filled with unlimited amounts of liquor. Guests were standing everywhere in Gatsby's enormous garden. Some marveled over his Rolls-Royce, others in clusters either talking, drinking, or dancing. I came across many familiar faces; among them was Miss Baker. I also met an old friend who served in the same division with me during the war. It surprised me that his name was Jay Gatsby. Unlike how I had imagined Mr. Gatsby to be, he seemed like a very kind and normal looking man. He called everyone "old sport." He didn't dance or drink at all. I noticed, the whole time, he just stood alone on the marble steps and looked at his guests dancing and drinking. The more I observed him, the more curious I am about this mysterious and eccentric man.  

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