Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guess What I Just Received???
No, it wasn't a one million dollars check, wasn't a free ticket to Disneyland, not a free One Direction concert ticket either (though it would be awesomeeeee if it was). So earlier in the morning, a chauffeur crossed my lawn to deliver me a formal note from Mr. Gatsby. It was an invitation to a party at his mansion this evening. OMG! I feel so special because not many people who attend Mr. Gatsby's party have actually been invited. Most of them just show up. His invitations are very rare. They are sent to mostly the wealthy and upper class people. Commoners, like me, don't usually receive one. I'm super duper excited right now. I have yet been to any extravagant party in New York before, so this will be my chance to see how rich people have fun.

* I'm still debating on what to wear. Please comment below and tell me which suit you think I should wear tonight <3.

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