Sunday, March 24, 2013

Farewell, My Friend...
I could not believe what I had witnessed yesterday!!! I heard a gunfire coming from Mr. Gatsby's mansion yesterday. I rushed over to see what happened and saw Mr. Gatsby floating dead in his pool. It was a horrific scene. He was in the sea of red. When I turned around, I accidentally found another dead body. It belonged to Mr. Wilson. He was holding a gun, so I'm assumed that he was the one who shot Mr. Gatsby. So today was Mr. Gatsby's funeral. The only a few people attended the funeral. Mr. Gatsby's father from Minnesota, some of his servants, and the Owl Eyes guy were the only ones present. I found it really sad and ironic that none of the people who attended Mr. Gatsby's parties did not show up to the funeral. They often bragged about the great relationships they have with Mr. Gatsby, but when he dies, they can't even make some time to bid him farewell. These rich people are so selfish. OMG!!!

To my friend Gatsby: Having just met one another and I have not yet fully understand the type of person you are, I still think you're a great person. My cousin, Daisy, is extremely lucky to be loved by you. I also want to apologize for not being able to help you reconnect your relationship with Daisy. To be honest, I think you're better off without my cousin. You're too good for her.^^Anyways, it was great knowing you Gatsby. Thank you for all the great parties; I will always remember the memories we've shared. Rest in peace.  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Car Accident...
On our way back from the town, we discovered a horrific accident scene. A woman had been fatally hit by a car. As we came closer to observe the scene, it was Myrtle Wilson who was lying dead on the ground!!! We asked around looking for answers and the reason behind this horrid event. A man told us that Myrtle got hit by a yellow automobile coming from New York city. I immediately recognized that it was Mr. Gatsby's car. Right when I got home that night, I sought out for Mr. Gatsby. Strangely, I found him hiding in the bushes outside of Daisy's house. I asked him what happened today, and he replied that Daisy accidentally drove the car into Myrtle. He also added that he himself will take all the blame. I wonder how Daisy is dealing with the situation at hand. Would Daisy let Mr. Gatsby take all the blame?

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Love Triangle

Complaining of boredom, Daisy insisted the four of us (Miss Baker, Tom, Mr. Gatsby, and I) to go into town today. Through out the day, Mr. Gatsby and Daisy kept gazing at each other, exchanging affectionate glances. I saw Tom noticed them too for he didn't seem very happy the whole time. Angry as Tom was, he confronted Mr. Gatsby and asked about his intention for Daisy. Mr. Gatsby responded that he has feeling for Daisy and that she loves him too. The two men argued back and forth over the love of Daisy. As I observed the scene, I learned more about Jay Gatsby. He is just a normal man who is deeply in love with my cousin. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Reunion between Gatsby and Daisy
I fulfilled Mr. Gatsby's wish by inviting Daisy to my house for tea yesterday. Mr. Gatsby was in a white flannel suit and silver shirt. He rushed over to my house, looking very concerned and worried. When Daisy arrived, Gatsby was M.I.A.(Missing In Action). Then, suddenly there was a knock at the door and Gatsby entered. At first, I thought it was a serious mistake arranging this meeting for Gatsby and Daisy because the event turned out to be very, terribly awkward. They were speechless to one another. I excused myself allowing them have some lone time together. When I returned, I saw them engaged in a gay conversation. I bet they didn't even know I was there. I guess my mission was accomplished. 

How I got Daisy to come over 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guess What I Just Received???
No, it wasn't a one million dollars check, wasn't a free ticket to Disneyland, not a free One Direction concert ticket either (though it would be awesomeeeee if it was). So earlier in the morning, a chauffeur crossed my lawn to deliver me a formal note from Mr. Gatsby. It was an invitation to a party at his mansion this evening. OMG! I feel so special because not many people who attend Mr. Gatsby's party have actually been invited. Most of them just show up. His invitations are very rare. They are sent to mostly the wealthy and upper class people. Commoners, like me, don't usually receive one. I'm super duper excited right now. I have yet been to any extravagant party in New York before, so this will be my chance to see how rich people have fun.

* I'm still debating on what to wear. Please comment below and tell me which suit you think I should wear tonight <3.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My First Encounter With Mr.Gatsby
Gatsby's party was unlike what I had imagined. It was unbelievably luxurious and amazing. There were loud thumping music, swimming pool, crates of oranges and lemons, a fancy buffet displaying spiced baked hams, salads of harlequin designs, and soft, flaky, golden pastries. Bars were filled with unlimited amounts of liquor. Guests were standing everywhere in Gatsby's enormous garden. Some marveled over his Rolls-Royce, others in clusters either talking, drinking, or dancing. I came across many familiar faces; among them was Miss Baker. I also met an old friend who served in the same division with me during the war. It surprised me that his name was Jay Gatsby. Unlike how I had imagined Mr. Gatsby to be, he seemed like a very kind and normal looking man. He called everyone "old sport." He didn't dance or drink at all. I noticed, the whole time, he just stood alone on the marble steps and looked at his guests dancing and drinking. The more I observed him, the more curious I am about this mysterious and eccentric man.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Secret Reveals
Miss Baker called me and said  there was something important she wanted me to know. So I met up with her for lunch. She told me that the mysterious man, Gatsby, is in love with my cousin, Daisy. She also said that the two were in love with each other before the war. Gatsby was a lieutenant and Daisy was a beautiful young daughter of a wealthy family. Unfortunately, because Gatsby had to leave for the war, their relationship ended. Daisy moved on and married to Tom. According to Miss Baker, Gatsby had waited five years and bought his colossal mansion so that he could be near Daisy. She added that he threw extravagant parties just to impress Daisy. And now, Gatsby wanted her to convince me to arrange a meeting between Daisy and him. After hearing this, I finally understood why I was invited to Gatsby's party the other night. It was because he wanted me to do him a favor. Interesting...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Second Time Getting Drunk
It was not fun. This morning, I felt very dizzy and sick. I couldn't even walk straightly. I kept missing the entrance to my kitchen. Feeling much better now, I'll tell you about the crazy evening I had. Tom took me with him to visit his lover, Myrtle Wilson, in New York around 3 in the afternoon. When we arrived at her department, we met Myrtle's sister and another couple. Then Myrtle brought out some bottles of whiskey and things went crazy after that. Before we knew it, it was already midnight. Everyone was asleep on the sofa except Tom, Daisy and I. Though I was drunk, I was still somewhat aware of my surrounding. I saw Tom and Myrtle standing face to face, talking to each other. Their voices eventually got louder and louder. Then all of the sudden, Tom punched her in the nose, like this...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

What an Awkward Night...
Earlier today, I drove over to the East Egg to visit my cousin, Daisy. Once I arrived at her house, her husband, Tom Buchanan, came out and greeted me. He introduced me to a beautiful lady named Jordan Baker, who I later found out is a golf player. The four of us ate dinner together at the round table that had been arranged with some floral scented candles. Though the setting was formal and the food was delicious, I didn't really enjoy the evening. Part of it was because their conversation bored me. During the meal, there was a phone call addressed to Tom. Miss Baker told me it was Tom's lover in New York. It didn't surprise me that such a handsome, rich and heavily built man like Tom has more than one woman. The thing that amazed me, however, was Daisy's composure. She acted calmly as if the person on the other end of the phone was some guy who Tom works with. 

How I felt during my dinner with Daisy, Tom, and Miss Baker..


Friday, March 15, 2013

Moving to New York...
It's a beautiful morning in New York today, and I’m here at the park enjoying my lunch. I just thought I would give you guys a little update about what’s going on in my life right now. Soo, things has been crazy for me the last couple days. I had been searching for an affordable place to stay here in New York. Fortunately, I was able to find one on a part of Long Island called West Egg. It is located between two colossal buildings. The one on my right is a hugh mansion that belongs to a wealthy gentleman named Gatsby. From the window of my house, I can see the crystal clean waters of his swimming pool and the beautiful flowers in his garden. Who is this person? So far, things have been off a good start for me here. Hope things will stay that way… :P

Here is a view of Mr.Gatsby's mansion